This looked like an interesting battle; the French had a mix of infantry and cavalry (plus one gun battery), and the English had nothing but cavalry. Historically, this is the action where the Kings German Legion horse
broke two French squares.
The French start with two battalions in square; they brought two more battalions up to try to relieve the pressure, but they were quickly forced into square also. The KGL pressed the attack and whittled away at one of the squares while taking heavy casualties. An English hussar regiment charged a French unit battalion that couldn't form square (due to a rule limit on how many squares can exist at one time); the hussars destroyed the battalion and broke through. They charged a second battalion, destroyed it as well, and nearly captured General Foy, who fled the field.

And then the cavalry arrived. The French cavalry. My light horse received the charge and took a drubbing; they did some damage in return, but not enough to keep them from being swept from the field. The finishing stroke was when a French battalion on the far left launched a bayonet charge that came on a KGL regiment from behind; our retreat was blocked and the regiment was doomed. General Gleichen was led into captivity, swearing like a trooper. many you can have) and destroyed them. The victorious hussars broke through the line, attacked another battalion and destroyed it; General Foy and his aides fled the battlefield.
Score: French 7 , British 4 (6 required for a win).
Note: a unit commendation for the hussar regiment which pressed the attack through the French line. That unit scored all four victory points for the British.
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